KWT 9.4.23: Summer’s Done

Today’s Labor Day.

End of summer.

Been busy…

Spent long hours in the Woodworks woodworking on projects for the Lummi Island Beach Elementary School. Restored wooden-handled Lummi Island Ice Cream Co. scoops were the big sellers: 187 sold. Total raised for the school was $16,631. That’s a lot of sawdust.

We received many dinner invitations during August. Mine were on Lummi Island. When I wasn’t dining at friends’ homes, I ate most of my vegetables ‘bachelor style’ because carrots and green beans don’t need to be cooked. Karin’s meals were in Norway where she spent the month visiting family and friends with a gal-pal. Karin enjoyed a lot of home-cooked Norwegian food including properly cooked vegetables. Had Atlantic seafood that was cooked, too. Mmmmmm…Norwegian shrimp.

So, recapping our summer:

Next stop: Wintering in Mexico.

Here’s a preview:
No wood
No fundraising
No Norway
Lots of Mexican food + margaritas


Gal-pal with Karin in the backyard of a relative in Norway. Sure it’s a stunning photo but it is unusual because, for a moment, they weren’t eating seafood.